Children who come to school not feeling well become more vulnerable to infection. Also, being in a school setting, germs have the potential to spread quickly because of increased and frequent contact with other children. In an effort to establish a healthier environment for all the children it is requested that all sick children are cared for at home.
If your child has had any symptoms of illness during the night, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever, please keep him/her home until their temperature has returned to normal for 24 hours and the symptoms have gone.

When a student is absent from school, it will be the parent or guardian’s responsibility to telephone or email the school office no later than 9:00am each day of the student’s absence. It is particularly important that you inform the school office if you child has contracted any communicable diseases as we are required to notify other families in the school when their children may have been exposed.
If your child should become ill at school, he/she will be isolated and you or an authorized person listed on the emergency form will be notified immediately in order to pick up your child. We will not call you unless you are truly needed.

- After a fever, the student must have a normal temperature of 98.6 degrees F for 24 hours before he/she may return to school without the application of medication.
- If a student is well enough to come to school, we will expect him/her to go outdoors with his/her class and participate in all scheduled activities.
- Often students will ask to come to school even though they are ill. Although your student may be disappointed, please keep him/her home if he/she is sick.
- If you student becomes ill while at school and you are called, please cooperate by picking your student up promptly.
No Medication Will Be Administered At School Without A Prescription