It is the policy of the Capital Montessori School to make every effort to maintain regular school hours. However, if a question arises, refer to the following guidelines to assist in your decision making process.
Capital Montessori administration will make the decision whether to close school or modify school hours no later than 6:30am of the day in question. At this time a voicemail message will be left for parents. You can listen to this voicemail by calling the school phone number. If there is no message stating otherwise, the school will be open regular hours.
(360) 438-3639
Here are some reasons the school may close and/or alter school hours:
In the event the teaching staff is not able to make it to school due to sever weather conditions and proper student/teacher ratios cannot be maintained, it will be necessary to close the school.
In the event there is no power, no water, no heat, and/or no sewer service at school facilities, it will be necessary for the school to close.
It may be advisable to open or close earlier or later than normal for the safety of our students and drivers. Please check the voicemail message for this information.
In the event there are times that the weather becomes inclement or a utility outage occurs during the day, early dismissal may occur. Please stay accessible by phone and email during these times, as the office staff will contact you to let you know of an early closure. In this case, we would appreciate your conscientious efforts to come pick up your student as soon as you can get away.
We are aware that some of our families live in outlying areas and the conditions for driving may be more difficult than those in city. Please do not hesitate to put your family’s safety first by choosing to stay home or picking up your student early.
It is everyone’s hope that weather conditions do not disrupt normal school operations. Our greatest concerns is the safety and welfare of our students.
Thank you for your support.
CMS Staff